There didn't seem to be anything she, While he was strung out, he ranted about conspiracies that he, Victor sat on a rock and tried to strip off his waders, his body shaking so much that he, Still, it stung when a slightly older acquaintance asked me why I, I rode down the mountain to get the powder he needed to soften his cough. We didn't go out because it was raining. Found inside – Page 80The case was so urgent that it could not be postponed. 6. ... (C) Rewrite each of these sentences twice, using (a) '' and (b) ... Examples : 1. Here are more examples. Found inside – Page 24Here, the sentence in brackets — Kim couldn't swim — is the embedded sentence. It serves to tell you what it was that Chris told Lee. More examples from ... A compound sentence is typically composed of at least two independent clauses that are linked by a comma (,), a semicolon (;), a dash (—) or a conjunction.These independent clauses refer to a type of clause that consists of a subject and a verb and conveys a complete thought. Couldnt example sentences, listen the pronunciation, easily copy & paste. GapFillTyping_MTYzNjg= can and could: other uses 1. As it uses your app package name by default, you have to change the java package name by adding the class property to the <data> field in your layout (Read more here). Couldn't In A Sentence. It is used to express that someone is able to do something in the past. 51 Story Starter Sentences. Found insidea sentence. I've provided an example below. I couldn't care less about Grammarly's suggestion of a dangling modifier, so that advice was useless. I couldn't touch a drop indeed, sir . Here is a question for you all. Found inside – Page 14Examples: • When will you return from your foreign trip? ... on the contrary, no, not (including words like haven't, couldn't), not at all, etc. Examples: ... The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation is filled with easy-to-understand rules,real-world examples, dozens of reproducible exercises, and pre- and post-tests. as he couldn't help doing, because Cissy is fretting so. The difference between should, could, and would is difficult for many English learners - this lesson will help you understand when to use each one!. Definition of couldn't believe my eyes in the Idioms Dictionary. Contraction of could not. I couldn't go to the party this weekend. He will not come to the party unless you invite him. When I flipped on the radio that night, I couldn't believe the voice I heard coming through the speakers. The old man could neither see nor hear. The word oxymoron is derived from the Greek for pointedly foolish (oxys = sharp/keen and moros = foolish). "I couldn't help overhearing" is a very polite way of telling somebody that you heard their private conversation, but it wasn't intentional. The win was marred in controversy, but the jubilant fans couldn't care less. Here is a question for you all. ( in the past ) It is the opposite of must haveV3. English idiom. CK 1 317888 The defendant was sentenced to death. The dogs had apparently zeroed in on a joey who, being younger, The guy on the other end of the line wouldn't raise his voice above a whisper, which I, She was blinded by her tears and the smoke, so she, By the time I reached home every item of clothing I was wearing was nasty and I, My head was full of ideas for my new design all day and I, I made many good friends at work and had always enjoyed my time there, but by the time it was over I, It was my first present from him and I felt so gorgeous in it that I, One minute I would be terribly home sick and the next I, It hadn't occurred to me that people taking an acting class would find this scary, when I, Like nearly everyone who comes to Cape Town, we, Everyone else in the room looked like they were at a funeral from which they, Rebecca still had that radiant confidence that we'd uncovered within her a couple of weeks ago and I, She wore a red tunic that didn't try to mask her extremely feminine and athletic figure and pants so short that she, The difference was that we were caught in the act so we, Drake took a tight grip of the man's shoulders, but, As we weaved through the screen of helicopter gunships on our final approach, I turned to Adrian, smiling the smile of a very happy man, and, However, within a year of the resort opening, the local technicians, Of course, anybody familiar with the way that planets are formed by the gradual accretion of matter in orbit around a star will be aware that this, The only shame was that we had to go back to work, and, A grammar of Japanese will tell you that a transitive verb is positioned after its object, not before, because you, Decked out in stylish floor-to-ceiling wooden panels, the Zen-inspired bathroom has flat square washbasins with ultra-trendy taps that I for one, Trish had a previous engagement jacked up and, She was wanting me to call her and speak with her last night, after not having heard from her for months and months, but I just, Because of bad timing and aborts, squadrons, But the ache got worse and worse and the next time I fell I, He got the jump on us turning for home and we, She was looking her over so judgementally that she just, He knew the drugs Paul had given him would addle his brain, but surely not to the extent he, I was on a liquid diet when I was sick because I, What he saw was not Peck Wilson but some soft scared pukeface whose mind, Hill was a problem child who was sent to Woodlands because his parents, Did you hear about the man who was half Portagee and half Italian? Easy. I couldn't go to the party this weekend if I'm still sick. 2 - Subordinating Conjunction Sentences. I couldn't figure out who they were. Your sister cooks well, doesn't she? Found inside – Page 6Multiple Sentences before the Attribution As a writing alternative, up to three closely related ... Examples 1. "I couldn't tell what it was at first. He had never heard the words synagogue or temple? For one thing, Joanne's appearance is bizarre. What does couldn-t mean? He said he, I could see a silhouette of a figure looking out from the window, but I, And for all his shooings and worrying, he knew squirrels, There was no English on it. Translations in context of "COULDN'T BE HAPPIER" in english-indonesian. I'll not beg even if I die. Found inside – Page 252Example A. His room was large. ... Examples The ______(A) was easy to enter. ... Choose the sentence that describes something that could not happen. Example ... Oh, you'd like that, She and Henri had some kind of cyberdeath pact. Found insideThe word I read was s-l-i-m-e, slime; so the correct answer for Example 2 is A. This is recorded ... The sentence I read was sentence C, 'He couldn't play. The if-statement can go at the beginning of the sentence or in the middle. How about a 270 mile tether to an orbiting satellite? He made himself an offer he, The lights from the stadium polluted the night sky, and we, The damaged fighter jet pinwheeled out of control, the g forces pushing the pilot so hard he, The two actors had a very realistic on-screen romance, but in reality they, She was a one-night stand he'd met at the gym, and Herschel, If we could see the last of that man, Didenhover, oncet, I'd take hold of the plough myself, and see if I, Before the recording on Saturday, 2 August 1969, Griffiths remembered the whole group being so excited they, The plastic was a nonporous surface, so the ink, Unlike the units and their equipment, military buildings, The Legal Aid and Advice Act of 1949 introduced a state aided scheme to assist those who, According to articles, reports and a biography, Turpin, He's a master technician and sometimes he was doing stuff I didn't see, I, Black cockatoos screeched and scratched at the bark of a big old manna gum as if they, Worse still, as spectrographic technology improved, additional spectral lines in hydrogen were observed which Bohr's model, I presumed Mullah Omar had filled such an important post with yet another madrasah-educated Koran-basher, but I. Explanation: This is the highest level of agreeing with someone because they can't agree more than they do. CONDITIONAL SENTENCES („if"sentences) There are 4 main types of if sentences in English, often called conditional sentences. Improve their chances of success by helping them write a clear support question to the third-party team. I'd love to be able to faint, Annie Oakley would be nothing without her gun and an Indian Princess, But the government had gone bankrupt again in 1647 and 1653, and the nobility, The Bavarian felt a mad wave of desire for her sweep over him. 'Show, Don't Tell': A Quick Definition. I could swim when I was four. Found inside – Page 78Read the examples and match the bold phrases to two of the meanings a–f. 1 They couldn't consider the digital effects in detail. 2 In fact, one 14-year-old ... Case 2 I can't go to the party this weekend if I'm still sick. with Many Examples. Dictionary Thesaurus Examples . CK 1 57220 This sentence doesn't make sense. He couldn't run very fast when he was a child. Conditional sentences are in the conditional mood, which is used for hypothetical scenarios that are dependent on a certain condition or conditions. And typically you would use it when describing when a particular thing, some sort of an assignment or something couldn't have been done without the help of someone else or without using . In any case, we got it and we can go back and use it. play. In future tense, should we use can't or couldn't? We wouldn't like to eat vegetables. Could/Couldn't. In the present tense, the modal verb "could" is used to: Ask for Permission. The negative form is can't in spoken English and cannot in written English.. We sometimes say cannot, but it is very emphatic.. Found inside – Page 80The case was so urgent that it could not be postponed. 6. ... (C) Rewrite each of these sentences twice, using (a) '' and (b) ... Examples : 1. I was so excited that I couldn't sleep, so I got up and dressed. He couldn't make it. We could read when we were five. In this example, we say "couldn't" because it is the past tense. town lone urn on this map - we couldn't find it. Modals - 'could' and 'couldn't' We can use could and couldn't to talk about abilities in the past.. Bueno, ella dijo que no me veía como un director. CK 1 489199 Translate this sentence into English. He couldn't see the difference between good and bad . So, we didn't make the key but we did manage to find . Found inside – Page 141She could not bear the tight clasp of it another moment 2. ... To exclude them, and Sentences 1 and 2 from the preceding list of would examples, ... Jay had seen neither the snake nor the wasp's nest on the next tree, and was preparing to stake his tarp in that less-than-safe location. I couldn't live quietly in the country . Daha önce hiçbir şey söyleyemedim çünkü o her zaman izliyor. open_in_new Link to source. Do your work as directed. Sentence types can also be combined. He wasn't able to run very fast when he was a child. Sentence examples for I couldn't figure out from inspiring English sources. They worked for twelve hours straight in a dirty factory, and they only got two dollars!" Quick Quiz. can't - can not I can't find my glasses anywhere. ( Ability in the Past) Examples: I could speak four languages when I was younger. Found inside – Page 36Look at the examples. Then rewrite the sentences twice. 1 The DVD was so expensive that I couldn't buy it. The DVD was too expensive for me to buy. Similarly, please take a look at the examples below: Tom can't be moving the furniture upstairs - he's at work right now. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Examples of using I couldn't say in a sentence and their translations I couldn't say nothing earlier because he is always watching. I couldn't take anyone seriously because I couldn't see personalities. Found inside – Page 75(30) I couldn't attend the semantics lecture because I had a temperature. ... For example, in (30) and (31), the whole sentence may be the topic/focus. Examples: The house stood alone on a hill. Found inside – Page 76These sentences can be combined in other ways, either with a conjunction or by renaming the subject. Examples: Tim couldn't go to sleep. (certainty) Can't She couldn't have had an accident. Found inside – Page 24Here, the sentence in brackets – Kim couldn't swim – is the embedded sentence. It serves to tell you what it was that Chris told Lee. More examples of ... Talk about careless! He had a genuine love of life, thrived on controversy, They seized and wouldn't come off so therefore my car, I was recommended to read this and once I started I, It was funny because once I was inside and seated, I, I instantly was absorbed into the story and, Unfortunately, descendants of the native contestants, Fantastic service, always immaculately clean and. : The ground wavered unsteadily beneath him and he couldn't . We were stuck on the map and I asked to have the keys made. Matching_MTYzNjc= can and could: possibility 2. If the cars could take some of the weight off, At daylight we hoisted the jack for a pilot and a Delaware pilot came off, Boat C, but, I think the alcohol from last night has addled your brain, because you, The Abuna led a poor life and there were instances when he, On that trip, I shared a lift with three French men jabbering away in this language I had been learning in class and I, I've booked into hotel rooms under so many assumed names that I, There was still a tender spot there from when Henley had clocked him, but he, Wherever the race meeting, whatever the horse, he. I couldn't repeat. Therefore, an apostrophe is used . Learn more. To finish the job that you and your father couldn't. 2m. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples CK 1 57218 You should rewrite this sentence. What does couldn't believe my eyes expression mean? But like most of my countrymen, I, Everyone on the production side thought it was great, but marketing, Prof. Jain would mix all his food into one glob at lunch so as to be more yogically detached from pleasure but I, Aberdeen folk have Doric dour as their default demeanour but for weeks you, His dam was a violent crib-biter and a wind-sucker and I took her to the sales but, Hughes has earned a reputation as a wisecracker throughout his career and. The Digital Strategy Guide I Couldn't Find (with examples and templates) . Found inside – Page 259Sentences 1–5 above are examples of simple sentences consisting of one clause. ... 8 I borrowed some money because I couldn't find my wallet. You may watch TV or you can go out to play. 1 The New York Times. She was at home yesterday. MAY Permission, if not prohibition, supposition with doubt Example Sentences; It may rain tomorrow. Examples of Negative question tag: You are free, aren't you? didn't - did not They didn't tell me the meeting was cancelled. These examples include both the metonymy and the possible object or concepts for which it could fill in, and example sentences to further enhance your appreciation and understanding of metonymy. I like you a lot; in fact, I think we should be best friends. "COULD and/or COULDN'T" is used as the past tense of "CAN and/or CAN'T". Found inside0 to present and practise could, couldn't ' New language: without (stopping), no problem, ... 0 Students take turns to practise the sentences in pairs. I couldn't come up with anything that wouldn't get my car keyed or otherwise vandalized in the middle of the night. Wearing that floral dress to a garden party was a little on the nose, The interview dragged on and on, long after I was sure I, She attributed the style of Welsh music as never attempting to be cool as they, Wayne liked it a lot but hated the band name and told them they, Despite being its own antiparticle, this special particle, They do say, though, that Mr. Colson's dogs, The jury said he was not guilty. She can swim well, can't she? She hasn't made up her mind yet. Pomposity ditto. Matching_MTYzNjk= can and could: other uses 2 As you can see, the o in not isn't in the word couldn't. The apostrophe goes in its place, right between the n and t. Let's look at another example. The steak was so tough that he couldn't eat it . [Modal Verbs] He could run very fast when he was a child. He couldn't have been more than fourteen years old. You'll means you will. Examples of Couldnt. . However, this form is commonly used so don't be surprised if you hear it, especially in spoken English. He doesn't have time to come along. Many people use "could care less" but this doesn't make sense. Tom couldn't be moving the furniture upstairs - he's at work right now. couldn't. Examples have not been reviewed. CAN Ability, doubt, astonishment, permission, Polite request Example Sentences; I can play the football. English Couldn't Have V3 and Example Sentences It is used for actions or events that we think it definitely didn't happen. [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples It is straightforward and very common. CK 1 2359096 I've been given a death sentence. Usage examples for "couldn t" in English. For example "Check it out! I couldn't remember. The meal couldn't have been awful. [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples. I, I was paid under the table, so I didn't have to pay taxes on the income but I, Everybody was trying to throw the ugly-finder at him, and we still, There was a good many there, and some on 'em learned to read very well, and some, Far from being amicable, the numbers seemed to turn their backs on each other, and I, She developed severe arthritislike pains in her knees, shoulders, and back, and she, We asked John if he wanted to come down the pub with us, but he, What he said really hurt my feelings, but his apology sounded so sincere that I, The team had trained well, but at crunch time they just, The band's lead guitar player hurt his hand and, When he hit the Jersey wall separating the north and southbound traffic, he sent up a huge cloud of dust that I, I could see the dog running behind me in my wing mirror, but, The freezing rain covered our windshield with ice and we, We tried to comfort him, but he said it warn't much use, he, She waffled on for ages. Found inside – Page 65... article and then complete the sentences using can't have , couldn't have ... Examples : for She was married ten years , but she's been living on since ... couldn't. in a sentence. English She couldn't sing much, couldn't play anymore. REMEMBER: When "Couldn't Have" is used as a past conditional, "Can't Have" cannot be substituted, in any style. He said he wouldn't want to guide a Marine into a low-paying, . He was clearly suffering from inadequate acclimatization, She looked probably in her late twenties, I recognized her, though, for I, I argued that the washerwoman might have mangled her hand if she was caught in the wringer, but it, By midnight, everyone was on the dance floor, jiving to a number Archie knew he'd heard several times, but, Within seconds, we were surrounded by police, pushing and jostling us and telling us we, Above him, sea birds wheeled and called and although he, Although they want to keep prostitutes out of jail, the panellists, It was a war zone and I was middle of it and I just, Since Christmas however, she had changed her route because she, I heard my dad struggle with the pronunciation, trying to add on an Italian accent along with the words and, He found the looking glass easy enough, though why it was intact he, If you had driven a stake through Baker's heart at that moment, you, Occasionally my friend Sarah would come over, but she lived a while away and. Could/Couldn't. COULD and COULDN'T are the past tense forms of CAN and CAN'T.. COULD and COULDN'T refers to ability or inability in the past.. We use COULD to mean that we were able to do something in the past.. Ex: When she was 1, she could walk.. We use COULDN'T to mean that we weren't able to do something in the past.. Ex: When she was 1, she couldn't speak.. For each sentence, choose . Found inside – Page 19Punctuation is important when you write a sentence. ... Example: I, of course, couldn't sit still. • to separate who is talking from what is being said. 1. It's one of those new TV's." "Wow. Found inside – Page 78Gleason says that Pairs of sentences with the same major vocabulary items, ... We can say, for example, that She couldn't do this is the basic one of the ... These sentences are in two halves (clauses): the if part ( if clause ) the other part where you can use words such as can , will , may , might , could and would (main clause ) That one geek, whatshisname, seemed to know enough about it to at least make sure it's working right, I admit it, freely and adultly, with full cognitive rationality, and I suppose I'd beat myself up if that, But look, if true belief and knowledge were the same thing, then an excellent juryman, She had read to many books to know that whatever she did it, Have you ever been able to jump-start a car that seemed to crank OK but, Call me a wet Guardianista liberal, but a bit of peace, love and understanding, But normally if the weather was wet, my Lord, no you, He was jumpy and apprehensive, and most likely, The hole in Jim's argument is that, before WWI, they said that capitalism, So when I turned pro, one of my gimmicks was to throw my hat over the hole so the ball, We became so critical and judgmental of ourselves, that we, But judging from their past performance, I, He was a journalist of the old school, a reporter who once he got his teeth into a story, Ah well Paul, work provides my car when I need one, although buying one, The team's radioman, carried the best in mobile communications gear that, I don't know her from Adam, for starters, and from what I've heard about her, we, The only problem was that no matter what she did the boredom, As long as I kept moving and writing my novel, I, Tall shrubs, including camellias, hydrangeas, and variegated weigela, were carefully positioned so they, If it weren't for the in-game cinematic sequences, I probably, We had to wedge it between some bags in the boot and hope it, We're talking massively complicated stuff that I, Their main function is to act like an annoying salesperson who, If he hadn't been blind, staggering drunk, he probably, For the raccoons, he left food scraps in a hubcap dish leashed by chain to a tree so the animals, A rabbit's foot brings good luck, though I'm sure all those the three-legged rabbits, I bet if my legs just happened to fall off, I probably, If you looked at our itinerary you'd think we were bouncing from quoit to holy well to stone circle and you, He never entered a carriage but stood on the outside platform, and though he, Honestly it's miles out of his way, in completely the opposite direction from where he lives, but he, It's all water under the bridge and if it hadn't happened, we, I'm not going to write about this here, because it, Lisa recently quashed rumours she was set to marry George as she, All I could do was jam on the brakes, put my hands over my face and hope the lorry, I've seen too much so I know that a woman who I've never met, I didn't want just absolution, I wanted advice, and I knew I, I took it and tried it with the Power cable but still it, When my mother died, the young pastor at St. Paul's, When you add in council tax and other bills we know we, But instead of producing the figures to explain why it, Or maybe they did it so Paul Ryan getting booed throughout his speech to AARP, Adlai Stevenson testifying through a spiritual medium, While Ian Somerhalder plays a bloodthirsty vampire on TV, the real life actor and animal rights activist, The coaches thought that if it seemed like they condoned it, people, But then, if a clear line of causality could be traced, we, It was also mentioned that some signs newly erected by Council were defaced and that a wash, I rang them the day before to see if i could have a telephone interview, they refused and said it, Of course, the prosecution could have pointed out that still, One woman admitted that she was past her best and was only looking for someone to meet her for a quickie in the steam room, where she, For a start you'd have the fossil fuel interests opposing nuclear power generation, but more importantly the Australian public just, You might not think that's much of a compliment, but the movie is a good, solid actioner, and I, Looking back, there was definitely a time when my raggle-taggle mates and I, I was railroaded into a way of making music I, I even remember almost wetting myself once because I, I'll have to admit that when I offered the use of my apartment to whatshisname, I did have the feeling that I, But some of those we saw today in the center of the city venturing out into the streets, waving white flags so soldiers and Marines, He said that if I had nothing to hide that the I would have such money by reaping the bounty from my lands and, While hardly as obscure a job title as key grip or best boy, it's safe to say that most people. Couldn't definition: Couldn't is the usual spoken form of 'could not'. Example: Learner's definition of BEAR. "I couldn't say no. 10 examples of modals, Definition and Example Sentences Here are English Modals Table and Example Sentences 1. What scheme, Telling Jessie that he was an asshalf prickwad Decent, Over the years, he developed a reputation as a pinchpenny who, When they came to the people pods on Crater Street, Ace hid in the underground holding pod, hoping they, Over the years, he developed a reputation as a penny pincher who, He stirred the campfire stew with a peeled stick, so the bark, His face looked grim, and we knew his news, I was out of character for most of the first act because those people in the third row. Found inside – Page 59A double negative is an error caused by using two negative words together in a sentence. Examples: Aren't none of those books on the shelf? Case, we say & quot ; Wow modifier, so that Combine the following two short sentences to a. 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